Showing 51 - 75 of 422 Results
Six sermons with a discourse annexed, concerning the true reason of the suffering of Christ,... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240823031 List Price: $45.75
A relation of a conference held about religion at London, the third of April, 1676 by Edw. S... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240835997 List Price: $28.75
An answer to several late treatises, occasioned by a book entituled A discourse concerning t... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240777785 List Price: $33.75
The mysteries of the Christian faith asserted and vindicated in a sermon preached at S. Laur... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240835324 List Price: $16.75
The mysteries of the Christian faith asserted and vindicated in a Sermon preached at S. Lawr... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240807970 List Price: $16.75
The mischief of separation a sermon preached at Guild-Hall Chappel, May 11, MDCLXXX, being t... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240160235 List Price: $17.75
The European Revolutions of 1848, Volume 2 by Edward Stillingfleet Cayley ISBN: 9781172844814 List Price: $30.75
Irenicum, a weapon-salve for the churches wounds; or, The divine right of particular forms o... by Edward Stillingfleet, John ... ISBN: 9781172796298 List Price: $38.75
The Christian duty of studying to be quiet in restless times. A sermon [on 1 Thess. iv. 11],... by Edward William Stillingfleet ISBN: 9781241318659 List Price: $15.75
On the Nature and Tendency of Blasphemous Opinions. A sermon [on Ps. lxxiv. 10]. by Edward William Stillingfleet ISBN: 9781241332259 List Price: $15.75
The doctrines and practices of the Church of Rome truly represented in an answer to a book i... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240808137 List Price: $20.75
The unreasonableness of separation, or, An impartial account of the history, nature, and ple... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240849611 List Price: $43.75
Christian magnanimity a sermon preached in the cathedral church at Worcester at the time of ... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240808359 List Price: $16.75
A discourse concerning bonds of resignation of benefices in point of law and conscience by .... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240803521 List Price: $20.75
The Council of Trent examin'd and disprov'd by Catholick tradition in the main points in con... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240849598 List Price: $24.75
An answer to some papers lately printed, concerning the authority of the Catholick Church in... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781240420292 List Price: $15.75
A discourse concerning the idolatry practised in the Church of Rome, and the hazard of salva... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781171352136 List Price: $41.75
Irenicum, or Pacificator : Being a reconciler as to church Differences by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781175212405 List Price: $37.75
Origines Sacrae; or A rational account of the grounds of natural and revealed religion, to w... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781177345057 List Price: $42.75
Origines Britannicae; or the Antiquities of the British Churches; to Which Is Added an Histo... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781177759656 List Price: $39.75
Vnreasonableness of Separation; or, an Impartial Account of the History, Nature, and Pleas o... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781177781619 List Price: $43.75
On the Amusements of Clergymen, and Christians in General : Three Dialogues Between A Dean a... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781166968113 List Price: $18.36
Origines Sacrae V2 : Or A Rational Account of the Grounds of Natural and Revealed Religion (... by Stillingfleet, Edward ISBN: 9781167013775 List Price: $27.96
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